Friday, August 30, 2013

All the Pieces Fit in REACH

This month we have been busy as bees completing a variety of inventories. An inventory is a lot like a survey that helps us find out more about ourselves. This was also part of our monthly district-wide theme: All About Me. As a result, we discovered what our interests were, what kind of "smarts"or multiple intelligences we had, as well as our preferred expression style. As a final project, we put all the pieces together-and what better way to do it than with puzzles! Our challenge was to illustrate what we learned about ourselves by designing our own puzzle piece (grades 2-3) or our own personal puzzle (grades 4-6). Below are the criteria for each project along with some samples. Enjoy!

Crtieria for 2nd and 3rd Grades:
1. Preferred Multiple Intelligence(s)
2. Interests
3. Goals for the class

Criteria for 4th-6th Grades: 
1. Preferred Multiple Intelligence(s)
2. Preferred Expression Style(s)
3. Interests
4. Goals for the class
5. Career Goal(s)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome Back, Rocketeers!

Happy New (School) Year! Ms. Carter and Mrs. Deyamport are thrilled to have our rocketeers back in REACH this week. Please remember to bring your supplies on your first day of REACH. Below is the Welcome Letter, which includes your schedule and supply list. We look forward to an exciting year!

Ms. Carter & Mrs. Deyamport