- Serbia is in Europe.
- The time in Serbia is 6 hours ahead of us. When we talked to her, it was morning here and afternoon there.
- They have a lot of snow. Mrs. V. told us that they had several snow storms this winter. It was also one of the coldest winters in a long time.
- Their school was a house, but now they turned it into a school!
- They have about 35 students in the whole school. Each class has about 5 or 6 students. Their whole school is about the size of one of our classes at our school!
- Their school has students from different countries. They learn English at school and speak different languages at home.
- I saw flowers and other things on the wall. Did you let your students draw those? (Max)
- How many rooms do you have in your school? (Lisa)
- How big is your classroom? (Micah)
- How did you learn about that school? (Jazlyn)
- Do you have famous artists in Serbia? (Alyssa)
- Do your students have relatives in other countries? (Alyssa)
- What are your students' families like? (Alyssa)
- What are your students' favorite foods? (Lisa)
- What kind of games do your students like to play? (Lisa)
- Do you have a Spring Planting Day at your school? (Lisa)
- What kind of work do you do in your class? (Trey)
- When are you coming back to visit? (Trey)
Have a look at some clips from our call below.