Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Spanish Fun!

Recently we came across a post written by Mrs. Yollis' class in Los Angeles, California. They talked about a story they read that included Spanish words. This was a perfect opportunity to share our learning with them. Check out this song about the weather that we learned in our Spanish class with our teacher, Señora Sullivan.

El Tiempo

Hace buen tiempo, hace calor, hace fresco, hace sol
Hace mal tiempo, hace frio, esta nublado, hace viento, esta nevando,
esta lloviendo, hay tormenta, hay graniza

El Tiempo
Buen Tiempo
Mal Tiempo

La temperatura es muy caliente, hace muy buen tiempo.
La temperatura es muy fria hace muy mal tiempo
Hace sol y hace calor, hace muy buen tiemop
Hace frio y hace viento, hace muy mal tiempo

Buen Tiempo
Mal Tiempo
Buen Tiempo
Mal Tiempo

Que tiempo hace hoy?
Hace_______________ Hace_________________
Esta ________________ Esta________________

The Weather

There is good weather, It's hot, It's cool, Its sunny.
There is bad Weather, It's cold, cloudy, windy, snowing, raining,
storming, hailing.

The Weather.
Good Weather.
Bad Weather.

The temperature is hot, its good weather.
The temperature is cold, its bad weather.
The temperature is hot, its good weather.
The temperature is cold and its windy, it's bad weather.

Good Weather
Bad Weather
Good Weather
Bad Weather

What is the weather today?


  1. ¡Buenos dias REACH Rocketeers!

    I really liked the Spanish weather song. Learning another language is fun, and singing makes it even more exciting.

    Here is how I made the upside down exclamation mark:

    Press option and the number one key at the same time!


  2. Dear Profesora de la clase,

    ¡Muchas gracias for making a great song for Mrs. Yollis' Class . I loved the song so much! Today in Las Angeles it is very hot and sunny! In LA it is always sunny. I love it because you can go swimming anytime and you can also go to the beach a lot!

    What is the weather were you live?

    (Student from Mrs. Yollis' class)

  3. Dear REACH Rocketeers,

    Thank you for your weather dance. We think you did a very nice job.

    Yesterday, we watched and sang along with the song. Mrs. Yollis also did a post on the dance. Here is a hyperlink to the post.

    Sincerely, Matthew and Etai
    From Mrs Yollis' class
